The European Banking Authority (EBA) has issued a call for the early adoption of stablecoin standards, anticipating a surge in stablecoin issuance in the coming months. The EBA officials have urged businesses to adhere to their guiding principles on risk management and consumer protection before the implementation of restrictions.

The EBA’s Measures to Clarify MiCA Requirements

On July 12, the EBA released its initial set of measures, seeking public comments, to provide clarity on the requirements outlined in the Markets in Crypto-Assets regulation (MiCA). These measures are expected to come into effect on June 30, 2024. The EBA’s measures encompass key clauses, including a perpetual right of redemption, along with guidelines for effective complaint management.

By offering detailed insights into these regulations, the EBA aims to facilitate the adoption of stablecoin standards and ensure compliance within the market.

The Economic and Financial Affairs Council of the European Union approved MiCA in May, establishing the world’s first comprehensive set of rules for trading crypto assets such as Bitcoin and Ether, as well as issuing stablecoins like Tether USDT. With the adoption of this framework law, the EBA foresees a significant increase in stablecoin issuance in the near future.

Stablecoin logo as Stablecoin standard is set to be adopted

Consequently, the EBA urges businesses to proactively adopt its guiding principles on good governance and risk management before the imminent restrictions are implemented. This approach aims to avoid potential disruption and facilitate a smooth transition to MiCA regulations.

Draft Rules for Crypto Asset Service Providers by ESMA

In addition to the EBA’s initiatives, the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) has introduced draft rules for crypto asset service providers (CASPs). These rules focus on authorizing CASPs while ensuring the segregation of customer assets and trading activities.

By preventing the commingling of customer and company funds, similar to the case of FTX, these regulations aim to enhance transparency and protect the interests of customers.

ETH to represent crypto assets

The ESMA regulations set to take effect in January 2025 do not include a compensation plan for customers who incur losses due to investments in unbacked crypto assets.

It is crucial for businesses and investors to consider these regulations and assess the associated risks and implications. By aligning their operations with these upcoming rules, market participants can ensure compliance and mitigate potential financial risks.

Future Guidelines from the EBA

Looking ahead, the EBA plans to release a second set of draft guidelines in October, addressing the capital requirements of stablecoin issuers and providing recommendations on stablecoin redemptions in volatile markets.

These guidelines will offer further clarity and guidance to businesses operating in the stablecoin space. It will also enable them to effectively manage risks and navigate volatile market conditions.

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