The Chamber of Digital Commerce (CDC), a leading U.S. blockchain and digital assets advocacy organization, recently released an in-depth report analyzing the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) lawsuit against Ripple. The report examines the implications of Judge Analisa Torres’s ruling on the future of the crypto industry.

Judge Torres’s Verdict: Distinguishing Between Investment Contracts and Underlying Assets

The report sheds light on Judge Analisa Torres’s landmark ruling, which establishes a critical precedent by drawing a clear distinction between investment contracts and the underlying assets in the case of Ripple’s XRP token distributions.

Furthermore, Torres meticulously categorized the distributions into three classes: institutional sales, programmatic sales, and other distributions. To determine if these distributions constituted an offer and sale of investment contracts, she applied the Howey test.

CDC’s Support and Satisfaction with the Ruling

The CDC expressed satisfaction with Judge Torres’s ruling, which aligns with their amicus brief supporting Ripple. Perianne Boring, the CDC’s founder and CEO, highlighted the ruling’s significance in setting precedents for future legal encounters within the crypto industry.

Additionally, she emphasized the importance of maintaining a balanced playing field in the digital asset sector and the group’s unwavering commitment to advocating policies that foster U.S. leadership in the digital economy.

Advocating for Regulatory Clarity through Legislative Measures

While acknowledging the introduction of several blockchain and digital asset regulatory bills in the U.S. House and Senate, the CDC remains uncertain about the enactment of these bills due to legislative constraints.

Nevertheless, the organization continues its efforts to push for a comprehensive legal framework for digital assets. Such a framework would create an environment conducive to digital asset product launches and provide the much-needed regulatory clarity sought by the industry. The CDC firmly believes that definitive regulatory clarity can only be achieved through effective legislation by Congress.

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