On November 8, an event unfolded in the heart of Paris as the Institute of Crypto-Assets officially inaugurated its new headquarters at the Léonard de Vinci center in the bustling business district. This marks a significant milestone, positioning France as a key player in the global blockchain and cryptocurrency landscape.

Pioneering Research in Blockchain Technology

The primary mission of the Institute is to spearhead and facilitate cutting-edge research in the realms of blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies. A distinguished scientific board will guide and oversee the research endeavor. This board comprises 11 experts from prestigious French educational institutions such as the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) and École polytechnique.

Complementing this academic expertise, a committee of six practitioners will actively contribute to shaping the Institute’s initiatives. These include industry leaders like Nicolas Bacca, co-founder of Ledger, and Pierre Noizat, founder of the crypto exchange Paymium.

Educational Focus and Insights from Inaugural Lectures

Cyril Grunspan, the director of the Cryptoassets Institute, emphasized the institution’s commitment to education. He stated,

“Our goal is not to lobby but to create a forum for discussion on cryptoassets.”

The Institute’s dedication to educational goals aims to foster a deeper understanding and awareness of cryptoassets within the wider community.

To mark its official opening, the Institute hosted two enlightening lectures. Historian Jacques Favier delved into the captivating history of currencies, tracing their evolution up to the era of Bitcoin. Simultaneously, cryptographer David Pointcheval explored the intricate realms of zero-knowledge proofs and anonymity.

These insightful lectures set the tone for the Institute’s commitment to regular public events that promise to be both informative and thought-provoking.

France’s Vision: A Digital Frontier for Innovation

Notably, France’s strategic positioning in the digital economy and innovation is evident. This is with initiatives like the Crypto-Assets Institute aligning with the country’s broader vision. In September, the telecommunications giant Iliad invested a substantial 100 million euros ($106 million) in the establishment of an “excellence lab” dedicated to AI research in Paris.

This visionary move positions Iliad at the forefront of AI research in Europe, with the acquisition of what is hailed as “the most powerful cloud-native AI supercomputer deployed to date in Europe.”

French Crypto Businesses Thrive

Even amid the market challenges of the first half of 2023, French crypto businesses demonstrated remarkable resilience. These businesses showcased France’s robust and dynamic presence in the evolving crypto landscape. This is with an impressive 27% of all new investment deals in the fintech sector.

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