Google has declared its unwavering commitment to protecting users utilizing generative artificial intelligence (AI) systems on its Google Cloud and Workspace platforms. This move is a strategic alignment with industry peers, including Microsoft and Adobe, who have already taken similar strides.

Legal Assurance for Generative AI Users

In a recent blog post, Google assured users that those employing products integrated with generative AI capabilities would receive robust legal protection. This proactive stance is a response to growing concerns about potential copyright issues associated with generative AI technologies.

Google explicitly outlined seven products that fall under this legal protection umbrella. These include Duet AI in Workspace, covering text and image generation in Google Docs, Gmail, Slides, and Meet, as well as Duet AI in Google Cloud, Vertex AI Search, Vertex AI Conversation, Vertex AI Text Embedding API, Visual Captioning on Vertex AI, and Codey APIs. Notably absent from this list is Google’s Bard search tool.

Google’s approach to intellectual property indemnification introduces a pioneering two-pronged strategy. Under this initiative, the tech giant extends its protective umbrella to cover both the training data and the outcomes generated from its foundational models.

The announcement from Google

Comprehensive Indemnity for Training Data and Protection for Generated Content

If legal challenges arise due to the use of Google’s training data that involves copyrighted material, the company boldly assumes responsibility. While indemnity related to training data is not entirely novel, Google’s explicit confirmation addresses customer concerns about scenarios where training data incorporates copyrighted material.

Google goes further by offering protection to users facing legal action due to the results obtained while utilizing its foundation models. This encompasses scenarios where users generate content resembling published works. However, this safeguard is contingent on users not intentionally infringing upon the rights of others.

Industry Peers Joining the Cause

Google’s move echoes similar commitments from industry peers. Microsoft has pledged to assume legal responsibility for enterprise users of its Copilot products, while Adobe is dedicated to safeguarding enterprise customers from copyright, privacy, and publicity rights claims when using Firefly.

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