Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has firmly advocated for the establishment of a comprehensive worldwide regulatory cryptocurrency framework. Despite India’s ongoing efforts to define its own crypto ecosystem’s regulatory parameters and taxation policies, PM Modi has taken a bold stance on the global stage.

India’s Leadership in G20 Summit and Modi’s Call for Collaboration

As the torchbearer of the G20, a coalition consisting of 19 influential nations and the European Union, India has assumed the crucial role of advocating for a unified approach to regulating cryptocurrencies. The G20’s pivotal role in international economic cooperation, underscores the importance of this momentous step.

In an exclusive interview with a local publication, PM Modi delved into the profound impact of emerging technologies like blockchain. He further articulated a powerful message: as these technologies transcend geographical boundaries, the regulatory frameworks must mirror their global influence.

Drawing parallels with the aviation industry, which operates under universally accepted norms for air traffic control and security, PM Modi emphasized that cryptocurrencies deserve similar global regulatory attention.

Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi

India’s Contribution to the Crypto Conversation and Advocacy for a Unified Framework

Under India’s G20 presidency, the discourse on cryptocurrencies has transcended the realms of mere financial stability. Instead, it has evolved to encompass broader macroeconomic implications, particularly for developing economies. The presidency’s efforts have not been limited to rhetoric; insightful seminars and discussions have been organized to deepen the understanding of crypto assets’ multifaceted nature.

On August 1st, India unveiled a comprehensive presidency note. This note is also a testament to its unwavering commitment to establishing a global cryptocurrency framework. Moreover, the country’s recommendations align seamlessly with the guidance provided by eminent bodies. These bodies include the Financial Stability Board, the Financial Action Task Force, and the International Monetary Fund.

Furthermore, the note introduces progressive suggestions tailored to empower developing economies.

Amid its global advocacy, India’s own regulatory environment for cryptocurrencies grapples with intricacies, ambiguity, and high taxation. In a noteworthy move, the nation introduced a substantial 30% tax on crypto gains in 2022. Unfortunately, this decision prompted a notable exodus of burgeoning crypto enterprises and precipitated a marked decline in crypto trading activities.

A Visionary Odyssey

PM Modi’s impassioned plea for a global regulatory framework for cryptocurrencies resonates with India’s commitment to fostering international economic collaboration. As the G20 summit reverberates with the echoes of this clarion call, the world watches as India steers the discourse towards a united and prosperous digital future.

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