JPMorgan has successfully introduced euro-denominated payments using its blockchain-based payment system, JPM Coin, as reported by Bloomberg on June 23. Confirming this significant achievement, a spokesperson for JPMorgan shared that the bank has extended the capabilities of the JPM Coin blockchain platform to include euros, thereby enhancing the efficiency of transactions.

Siemens Leads the Way Alongside other Corporate Clients

The first company to process euro-denominated payments through JPM Coin is the renowned German conglomerate, Siemens. According to Basak Toprak, JPMorgan’s head of coin systems for Europe, the Middle East, and Africa, Siemens conducted the inaugural euro payment on the JPM Coin platform on June 21.

This remarkable milestone showcases the practicality and effectiveness of JPM Coin in facilitating seamless cross-border transactions.

Notably, JPMorgan’s latest deployment of JPM Coin revolutionizes the wholesale payments landscape for its corporate clients, including multinational corporations. With this blockchain-based payment system, clients can instantly transfer euros to and from their JPMorgan accounts, 24/7.

JPMorgan Launches Euro-denominated Blockchain-based Payments with JPM Coin

Unlike traditional banking transactions that are typically limited to business hours, this innovation significantly enhances the speed and convenience of wholesale payments.

Also, by leveraging the new coin for euro-denominated payments, corporate clients stand to benefit from cost savings and increased interest income. According to JPMorgan’s Toprak, making payments at the right time can yield cost advantages.

Additionally, this streamlined process allows clients to potentially earn more interest income on their deposits. These financial advantages further highlight the value proposition of JPM Coin in the corporate banking sector.

JPM Coin’s Journey and Future Scalability

JPM Coin, which was launched in 2019, serves as a live application that aims to establish an alternative payment rail powered by blockchain technology. Since its inception, JPMorgan has reportedly processed approximately $300 billion worth of transactions using JPM Coin.

However, the bank has ambitious plans to scale the system further, considering its overall daily payments volumes amount to approximately $10 trillion. The widespread adoption of this coin has the potential to transform the global financial landscape.

JPM Coin is an integral part of JPMorgan’s broader blockchain-based platform known as Onyx Coin Systems. Launched in 2020 with the aim of enhancing the quality of wholesale payment transactions, Onyx has already made significant strides. As of April 2023, JPMorgan reportedly processed nearly $700 billion in short-term loan transactions via the Onyx platform.

This robust infrastructure paves the way for more innovative solutions and efficient financial operations.

Coins to represent the new launch of JPM coins

JPMorgan Faces SEC Fine Amidst Achievements

While JPMorgan celebrates the successful implementation of JPM Coin for euro-denominated payments, it is important to note that the bank has recently faced regulatory repercussions. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission fined JPMorgan $4 million due to mismanagement of internal communications.

In 2019, the bank inadvertently deleted approximately 47 million emails from its retail banking group, violating the three-year record-keeping requirement set by U.S. securities laws. Despite this setback, JPMorgan remains committed to its pursuit of technological advancements and groundbreaking financial achievements.

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