On Monday, the Klaytn Foundation, a South Korean conglomerate associated with Kakao, proudly announced its official partnership with CoinMarketCap Labs (CMC Labs). CMC Labs operates as a startup accelerator program in the Web3 sector under the umbrella of CoinMarketCap, a leading crypto information platform.

CMC Labs’ program extends an assortment of advantages to architects. The aim is to advance their projects, amplify discoverability, foster user interaction, and beyond. This includes the “Learn and Earn” initiative. Here, proprietors of startups entice users through a mechanism. This mechanism disburses token rewards post-engagement with educational content.

CoinMarketCap and Klaytn Foundation: Powering Web3 Growth with Unique Initiatives

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On the flip side, the Airdrop Campaign keeps participants abreast of pivotal developments in a startup project, such as fluctuations in price. Additionally, startups can propel their endeavors through an extensive article or YouTube video featured on the CMC Deep Dive platform.

In reciprocation, CoinMarketCap positions itself as a partner in the Ignite On Klaytn (IOK) Program. This venture is spearheaded by the Klaytn Foundation to empower promising developers, both domestically and internationally.

The program focuses on their endeavor to introduce decentralized applications (dApps) to the Web3 arena, ultimately nurturing the Klaytn ecosystem.

Developers benefit by directing their energies into product development. Simultaneously, the program provides crucial support for various facets, including wallets, API nodes, and development outsourcing.

Klaytn Foundation and CoinMarketCap Forge a Global Partnership for Web3 Advancements

Through this new found collaboration with CoinMarketCap, the Klaytn Foundation envisions assisting diverse projects in their global market ventures.

Furthermore, it aims to function as a bridge. This bridge facilitates increased participation of projects within the Klaytn ecosystem in the CMC Labs program.

“We eagerly anticipate the reciprocal involvement of the Klaytn Foundation and CoinMarketCap in our respective initiatives. We are poised to propel Klaytn’s continuous strides, extending its influence across Asian and global markets,”

Articulated Seo Sang-min, Representative Director at the Klaytn Foundation.

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