Polkadot’s vibrant community, PolkaWorld, has made the tough decision to halt its operations. The catalyst for this decision was the rejection of their funding proposal from Polkadot’s treasury, a move that has sent ripples through the ecosystem.

The Treasury Dilemma: PolkaWorld’s Concerns

Under the spotlight is Polkadot’s new open governance platform, OpenGov. PolkaWorld believes this is adversely affecting long-term contributors to the Polkadot ecosystem. The crux of their concerns lies in the treasury management process. This, they claimed has led to the rejection of numerous organizations, ultimately causing them to exit the Polkadot ecosystem.

The Shift from Expert Council to Tokenholder Governance

In the past, Polkadot employed a council elected by DOT token holders. These council members were experts with a deep understanding of the ecosystem, making them adept at evaluating proposals. PolkaWorld suggests that this previous system, where experts had a say, should be integrated into the current OpenGov model.

This would mean that governance decisions would still be made by tokenholders, but with the valuable input of experienced hands.

Markian Ivanichok’s Brushfam Departs Polkadot

Markian Ivanichok, the visionary behind Brushfam, a platform dedicated to onboarding businesses to Polkadot, has also voiced his discontent. Ivanichok further disclosed that Brushfam is parting ways with Polkadot due to the challenging financing landscape. This was in a candid X thread announcement.

Also, his frustration was palpable as he expressed his view that the current governance system is making it increasingly difficult to secure funding.

Furthermore, Ivanichok’s grievances went beyond funding woes. He raised concerns about an ecosystem that he believes has lost sight of its users, sound business practices, and effective marketing. He lamented the apparent neglect of these crucial aspects, underscoring the need for a more user-centric approach.

OpenGov: A Paradigm Shift in Governance

Notably, Polkadot’s OpenGov system, introduced earlier this year, was meant to give every DOT tokenholder a voice in shaping the platform’s future. This approach shifts the locus of governance directly into the hands of tokenholders, who actively participate in the voting process to decide on proposals for ecosystem changes.

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