In the latest developments within Season 4 of Optimism Governance, the community’s focus has shifted to Collective Intents, where teams embark on specific initiatives called Missions. The Optimism Foundation, as part of this process, has outlined Missions crucial for the growth and development of the Collective.

Implementing ZK Proofs for the OP Stack

Under the Technical Decentralization Intent, a major step is the integration of Zero Knowledge Proofs (ZKPs) into the OP Stack. This move is instrumental for OP Chains in the Superchain, enhancing security and enabling low-latency cross-chain communication between L2 and L1, as well as within OP Chains.

The flexibility of high and low latency options is essential for achieving full composability, unlocking new use cases, and contributing to overall scalability.

RISC Zero’s Mission: Rust-based ZK Validity Proofs

RISC Zero envisions a world where ZK Proofs are accessible to everyone. Their approach involves the development of a Rust-based ZK Validity Proof System for the OP Stack, utilizing the RISC-V zkVM. This general-purpose ZK Virtual Machine allows developers to write programs in native Rust, abstracting away cryptographic complexities.

Notably, RISC Zero aligns with OP Stack’s commitment to a shared and open-source future. The integration of ZKPs is seen as a pivotal step in creating a connected and highly interoperable Superchain. Improvements in withdrawals, bridging, and Superchain governance are anticipated outcomes of this integration.

Furthermore, RISC Zero is actively building the Rust-based ZK Validity Proof System by combining RISC-V zkVM with the Ethereum/Rust ecosystem. Key projects include reth, revm, alloy, and op-reth. Importantly the ZK Validity Proof System is constructed on top of Zeth, an open-source “type 0” zkEVM framework. This further enables the validation of Optimism and Ethereum blocks.

O(1) Labs’ Contribution: Bringing Mina Protocol’s ZK Tech to OP Stack

O(1) Labs aims to catalyze a new generation of ZK applications by leveraging zero-knowledge cryptography. Their work involves designing the zkApp model for the Mina protocol, o1js – a Typescript library for zk-powered applications, and Kimchi+Pickles – a proof system and recursion library.

Additionally, O(1) Labs takes a significant step by introducing the MIPS zkVM to bring zero-knowledge capabilities to the OP Stack. This move is poised to eliminate the seven-day withdrawal window, enhancing user experience and reinforcing the chain’s “trustlessness.”

The integration also strengthens the connection between the Mina Protocol and OP Stack, opening pathways for cross-protocol interactions.

PLONKish Proof System and Recursion Layer

O(1) Labs’ PLONKish proof system, Kimchi, and the Pickles recursion layer form the foundation of their solution. These components, proven effective since 2021 in securing the Mina blockchain, undergo optimization for Ethereum, including kzg-bn128 support for efficient verification. The final step involves integration with the OP chain’s pre-image hash.

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