Robert Kiyosaki, the acclaimed author of “Rich Dad Poor Dad,” has unveiled his distinctive investment approach, highlighting its departure from the investment strategy embraced by Berkshire Hathaway’s CEO, Warren Buffett.

“I am an average investor who is gradually amassing the assets I intend to hold long-term. Over the years, I have been accumulating gold, silver, bitcoin, and real estate,”

the renowned author expounded.

Robert Kiyosaki, the celebrated author of “Rich Dad Poor Dad,” has delineated his investment strategy. He underscores its divergence from the approach favored by the legendary investor, Warren Buffett.

Financial Philosophies of Robert Kiyosaki and Warren Buffett

Author of "Rich Dad Poor Dad" Foresees Bitcoin's Destination at $135,000

“Rich Dad Poor Dad” is a book co-authored by Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter in 1997. This book has graced the New York Times Best Seller List for over six years and has been sold in excess of 32 million copies, translated into more than 51 languages, spanning across 109 countries. Kiyosaki shared his thoughts on the social media platform X, stating:

Rather than pretend to be Warren Buffett picking bottoms I am an average investor ‘accumulating’ the asset I want for the long term. I have been accumulating gold, silver, bitcoin, and real estate for years.

“My initial gold coin had an acquisition cost of $50. At present, that very coin commands a value of $2,000. One can amass wealth by adopting an average investor’s approach, employing dollar cost averaging as the path to affluence.

Be prudent,” he appended. “Today, the value of gold fell by $10, and silver by 14 cents. This is where ‘dollar cost averaging’ truly pays dividends.”

Investment Insights: Buffett’s Value vs. Kiyosaki’s Precious Metals & Bitcoin

Buffett, on the other hand, champions the cause of value investment. He has previously elucidated that the key to his investment prowess lies in making “investments in businesses with enduring favorable economic attributes and reliable management.”

The CEO of Berkshire Hathaway has also noted, “When procuring companies or common stocks, we seek out first-rate businesses accompanied by first-class stewardship.”

Kiyosaki has consistently recommended investors to acquire gold, silver, and bitcoin. In recent times, he forecasted that the price of BTC is on a trajectory toward $135,000, while the value of gold will imminently break the $2,100 barrier before soaring even higher. Furthermore, he expressed the belief that silver will ascend from $23 to $68 per ounce.

The author of “Rich Dad Poor Dad” has offered numerous predictions concerning the prices of bitcoin, gold, and silver. In August, he confidently asserted that, in the event of a global economic crisis, bitcoin’s price would skyrocket to $1 million. He also predicted that gold would surge to $75,000 and silver would reach $60,000.

Divergent Visions: Kiyosaki’s Bitcoin Optimism vs. Buffett’s Skepticism

Furthermore, in February, he made another projection. He anticipated that by 2025, the price of BTC would climb to $500,000. Simultaneously, he foresees gold reaching $5,000, and silver touching the $500 mark within the same time frame.

However, in stark contrast to Kiyosaki’s perspective, Warren Buffett is notably not a proponent of bitcoin. The Oracle of Omaha is renowned for characterizing the cryptocurrency as “probably rat poison squared.” He made this assertion in April, emphasizing that BTC resembles a speculative token, lacking any intrinsic value.

Furthermore, In May of the previous year, he openly expressed his disinclination to pay $25 for the entirety of the world’s bitcoin.

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