Approximately $4.8 million has been allocated to support cryptocurrency and blockchain education initiatives in Kenya. This was revealed by Alex Blania, the CEO of Tools for Humanity (TFH).

Blania clarified that these funds were earmarked for supporting educational endeavors related to cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. It is worth noting, however, that TFH did not directly execute these educational initiatives. Instead, they collaborated with third-party entities and partners.

Notable organizations involved include Strathmore University, the Blockchain Association of Kenya, the American Chamber of Commerce, and the Africa Blockchain Centre. Additionally, Blania indicated TFH’s intention to allocate additional resources towards such educational activities in the future.

Blania’s appearance before the legislative body followed the Kenyan government’s decision to suspend Worldcoin’s operations a few weeks earlier. Conversely, the suspension allowed Kenyan regulators to assess safety risks tied to the cryptocurrency project.

Prior to the government’s suspension, Kenya’s data regulation authority had issued warnings. They advised citizens against sharing their personal information with Worldcoin.

Worldcoin’s Commitment to Transparency

Tools For Humanity Commitment To Transparency

In addressing these allegations and concerns, Alex Blania asserted Worldcoin’s unwavering dedication to Kenya. He emphasized the project’s commitment to honesty, compliance, and transparency in all its operations. This served to reaffirm the genuineness of their commitment to the people of Kenya.

Furthermore, Blania categorically rejected the allegations that Worldcoin had any intentions of selling users’ biometric data, which had been collected through the innovative eyeball-scanning orbs.

However, a Kenyan technology lawyer, Meshack Masibo, raised questions regarding Worldcoin’s claim. He pointed out that asserting Kenyan users had willingly shared their personal data may be difficult to substantiate. This is because it is challenging to ascertain whether users were fully informed about the implications of their data sharing agreements.

In summary, Alex Blania’s recent disclosures shed light on Tools for Humanity THF’s investments in Kenya’s cryptocurrency education sector, emphasizing Worldcoin’s commitment to the country. Despite allegations and suspensions, Worldcoin remains steadfast in its dedication to transparency and refutes any claims of biometric data sales.

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