Argentina’s Agency for Access to Public Information (AAIP) joins the ranks of governmental bodies investigating the Worldcoin project. This means that the scrutiny surrounding the cryptocurrency venture has escalated. Also, this development follows ongoing probes by counterparts in Germany, France, and Kenya, all of which have raised concerns over privacy implications.

Argentina’s AAIP Delves into Worldcoin’s Data Practices

On August 8th, the Agency for Access to Public Information in Argentina announced its investigation into Worldcoin’s operations. The focal point of this inquiry revolves around Worldcoin’s practices concerning the collection, storage, and utilization of customer data.

Moreover, the AAIP’s primary objective is to ensure strict adherence to security and privacy regulations within the cryptocurrency realm. Notably, Worldcoin’s ambitious approach to user verification through retinal scans has sparked apprehensions among many individuals, triggering these investigations.

Emphasizing the significance of safeguarding citizens’ data privacy, the AAIP stated,

“Citizens have the right, whenever personal data is provided, to have clear and accessible information in relation to the assignment, use, and purpose for which the data is collected and processed, especially with regard to sensitive data, such as biometric data.”

Global Concerns Trigger Stringent Scrutiny

Worldcoin’s widespread reach is reflected in the fact that over 2 million accounts were registered ahead of its token launch in July. However, concerns reverberated internationally as retinal scanners were distributed. Furthermore, Germany’s Bavarian State Office for Data Protection Supervision promptly initiated an investigation on privacy grounds.

Additionally, the French National Commission on Informatics and Liberty underscored doubts regarding the project’s data collection methods.

Kenya Takes Action Amidst Growing Concerns

On August 2nd, Kenya’s Minister of Internal Security announced a suspension of Worldcoin’s local operations. This was pending a comprehensive assessment of potential risks to residents. In a striking turn of events, Kenyan authorities conducted a raid on a Worldcoin facility on August 7th. They also proceeded to seize equipment that could potentially contain user data.

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